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The Introspective Manager - 4 Everyday Questions to Help Maintain Organisational Culture

employer branding, Never Grow Up Pte Ltd

Even the best of employees sometimes leave a job they’re good at - not necessarily because of the organisation, but because of their managers. Everything that a manager does, impacts employees’ way of working and the organisation’s business. Managers are responsible not only for the work their team gets done, but also for understanding what the team needs. If employees feel uncomfortable, demotivated or even unproductive, it’s probably due to ineffective managerial skills.

Employees need someone who is a good communicator as their manager. They want to be guided during difficult times, trained in case of unpolished skill set, or supportive in matters of emotions. If employees feel they’re not getting the assistance they want, their work may suffer and so will the organisation. To maintain teamwork and productivity, managers need to keep a check on their working style and internal communications plan - to improve themselves and ensure employee happiness! Here’s what to ask yourself on a daily basis:

1. Did I let my ego get in the way today?

Even the most understanding people have bad days, and on such days it's possible that negativity trickles down to the employees. As a leader, ego is the last thing you should bring to the workplace. You need to make sure that you show your appreciation for the team, give credit where it’s due, as well as accept any feedback that the team might have. Keeping your ego aside, will in fact earn you more respect and help you set a good example for the rest of employees.

2. Did I allow personal bias to get in the way today?

When work pressure increases, moods and behaviour can take a hit and form judgements based on a singular perspective. That’s when personal grudges and biases can come in the way of making decisions and end up hurting certain people. This may even be unconscious but its impact will not go overlooked. Instead, listen to others, see what they have to say and then speak your mind. Make decisions according to the situation and not with the help of something you assume to ensure your personal bias doesn’t get in the way of work.

3. Did I make an effort to improve myself lately?

Employees look up to their leaders for motivation and guidance which means you must be able to do more than just manage the team. As a manager you need to be up to date with any new courses that can help with work, interesting reads, or even webinars and podcasts that host conversations around business and work. In fact, as managers, hosting team bonding activities for employees is also a step towards improvement. New information, or upskilling always comes in handy and also widens your network and knowledge - which in turn helps in mentoring your employees.

4. Did I let impulse take over today?

When a crisis hits, it’s possible to get overwhelmed while trying to deal with the change. Whether it’s a fast approaching deadline, or employees who have not come to the office due to personal emergencies - it all needs to be dealt with calmly. Impulsive actions are only a temporary solution and can hamper all future plans. Every manager needs to consciously work on their internal communications plan, to ensure impulse does not take over and every decision is a calculated one.

Finding The Right Answer

Success of every team member depends on you and so it's important to keep track of your own work style and clear communication. Asking yourself these questions will not only help you with problem solving and managing employee productivity, but will also help set a good example at the workplace. Moreover, the efforts you take will not go unnoticed and will show your employees that you have their best interests at heart.

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