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Managers Need Self-Care Too!

corporate culture consulting,, Never Grow Up Pte Ltd

For a manager, workplace responsibilities are endless. In fact, managers end up taking more responsibility than they signed up for. In situations like these, it’s not unlikely that they’re stressed. But instead of unwinding, they carry on working under pressure to meet their task lists. What managers don’t realise is that they need to take a step back and take care of themselves so they can take care of others in their team and this is something that should be encouraged with an effective internal communication plan in every organisation.

Since managers are the ones who encourage other employees to practice self care routines, it’s only right that they extend these principles to themselves. There are many ways to do this:

Being Kind to Yourself

Leaders need to be strong, no doubt but they also need to be positive. Being positive about the work they do, or their team is one thing, but indulging in positive self-talk is another. So, don’t be too hard on yourself and don’t let yourself be affected by obstacles. Instead, be kind to your body and mind, pause and think positive before you switch off for the day. It could even be an act of kindness, or a word of gratitude. Overall, it will help you think clearly and ensure you’re able to guide the team in case of any challenges as well.

Maintaining Work-life Balance

All work doesn’t just make a person dull, but also stressed out. To be able to give a hundred percent at the workplace, one must be completely fresh and recharged. You could plot your day and take some time out for your own self - maybe for an exercise routine or for reading a book. Such hobbies and passions outside of work go a long way in preparing you to face long days at the workplace.

Building Personal Relationships

In the rut of all the office work, friends and family are often overlooked. The closest people will always be there, but it’s important that we spend time together with them to nurture the relationship and build a stronger bond. It’s possible that your people need you to be there for them, just like your team at work does. So no matter how busy you are, taking time out for the family should be top of mind. Spend time meeting friends you haven’t seen in a long time, or have conversations with your family rather than just being under the same roof. Building relationships at home will also help in boosting team building activities for employees at the workplace.

Asking For Help

It’s possible that the work pressure sometimes makes you want to ask for help and there is nothing wrong in doing so - even if you are a leader. Confide in your fellow managers and tell them if work is getting to you. They might share the load or manage deadlines - sometimes just asking can help sort out quite a bit. When there is a lot to be done, review the order of priority and think if it can be delegated to another team member. If yes, then you can always oversee the work while doing your own thing. This step is easy, but you need to make sure you take it. At the same time, if there’s anything on the personal front that you need help with, do not hesitate to reach out to the Counsellor at your organisation. Take a break from work and participate in any well-being workshops hosted by the organisation.

Taking a Break

Just the way you encourage your team members to take the allotted leaves, you need to make sure you do the same. Amidst working, ensure you’re not setting an example of presenteeism by staying late in office, coming to work on weekends, or not taking any leaves at all. Avoid overworking - not only is it bad for your health and a negative work quality but also motivates your team to do the same. Sometimes you need to say no and just take a break.

Investing in Self-care is Worth It

While all this is easy to put down on a checklist, the first few times will be an experiment in maintaining the balance. Although, keeping track of your day and doing so frequently will turn this agenda into a habit. Once the routine sets in will everyone understand the positive impact it has on work productivity. But taking these efforts consistently is important as not only will they ensure self care, but also inspire your team to do the same. After all, self-care begins with you.

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